TC24 Training Club Sessions “Ignite” Your Workouts
For the last year I
have been doing the TC24
Training Club classes at Miramar 24-Hour Fitness. I am 65 years old and I am determined to stay
strong and healthy as I age. By working
with our Team trainer Johnny
Gillespie 3 times a week, I am building and maintaining the strength
and endurance I need to remain active and healthy in my retirement years.

After our warm-up we
have two, timed circuits of exercises, usually one for strength and one for
endurance. In our 20-minute strength
session we will work with weights to do 8-12 reps each of a series of exercises
repeated 4-5 times. Johnny makes the
rounds with each of us to train and guide us in keeping the right position for
each exercise.

TC24 small group
training is fun and makes a real difference in my personal fitness quest. I look forward to each class and hate when I
have to miss one. But the real
difference comes from a professional trainer like Johnny who gets to know each
of us as individuals and guides us around our personal limitations, aches,
pains, injuries and mental barriers to exercise. Johnny has taken several certification and
nutrition courses and shares his knowledge of physiology and exercise technique
with every member of our TC24 group.
If you are thinking
about taking the next step in your own journey to fitness and health, sign up
for TC24 with Johnny at Miramar 24hr Fitness.